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Private maths tutors that come to you in person or online

Tahmeed, Maths tutor in Rooty Hill, NSW

We will contact you to organize the first Trial Lesson!

Working with Children Check
Verified Tutor Verified Tutor

What do I enjoy most about tutoring? 😁

Forming a connection with a student and seeing them progress, not only in terms of grades but also as a human is extremely rewarding. I believe every student has potential and being able to tap into that is an amazing thing to dedicate yourself to.

My Strengths as Tutor 💪

As a young adult, I think I can be more relatable to students, which allows for more friendly interactions. However, I have a sense of duty that ensures such would not denigrate a tutor-student relationship. Thus, I feel I'm a perfect mix between professionalism and friendliness to enhance a student's performance.

Most important things I can do for a student 🏅

Identifying a student's weaknesses and strengths not only in a subject but in their general approach to life is very important. Honing strengths and working on weaknesses will allow tutors to tap into a student's potential. Deeply considering how and why a student is performing the way they are is also very important and allows changes to be made.

We will contact you to organize the first Trial Lesson!

Working with Children Check
Verified Tutor Verified Tutor

Subjects Tutored 🎓

Exam Prep 📝

  • Naplan tutoring
  • HSC tutoring

Tutoring students in 👦 👧

  • year 1
  • year 2
  • year 3
  • year 4
  • year 5
  • year 6
  • year 7
  • year 8
  • year 9
  • year 10
  • year 11
  • year 12