Check out our Ezy Math practice maths tests. They are all free, simple and hand-written! Most importantly, they are all formatted to feel like an actual test. Doing practice tests is best done under timed “test conditions”. We all know of students who seem to know their content inside out but somehow seem to perform poorly on tests. Doing well in a test is not just about your knowledge, it’s about time management, anxiety management, being able to perform under pressure etc. These “soft skills” can only be developed by practicing them, so please try your hardest to duplicate test conditions at home. Here are some ideas:

  • set yourself a time limit
  • do the test together with some friends
  • do the test at a more formal location than your bedroom, perhaps a library or classroom
  • set yourself a target goal

At each link you will find a list of the topics available and download links. Each test has a test and a worked solutions file.

Year 1 Maths Tests

Year 2 Maths Tests

Year 3 Maths Tests

Year 4 Maths Tests

Year 5 Maths Tests

Year 6 Maths Tests

Year 7 Maths Tests

Year 8 Maths Tests

Year 9 Maths Tests

Year 10 Maths Tests


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What they say about our tutoring

Mitchell is happy with the new tutor, thank you. Sean is a good communicator which makes Mitchell feel more relaxed thanks again.
We are very happy with Sheetal. Timothy is making great progress and we are happy to continue. We will have Tim do his Navy test in a few weeks and if we need to do a bridging course we will ask Sheetal to tutor him with that as well.
Ezy Math Tutoring Philosophy

Our philosophy to teaching is based upon a firm belief that every child can succeed at maths or any other subject, given the proper encouragement, motivation and tools. We believe that a tutor’s …