Due to the current situation we are experiencing significant demand for tutoring. Fast track your enrolment online: Enrol Online Now

Private maths tutors that come to you in person or online

Christina, Maths tutor in Plumpton, NSW

We will contact you to organize the first Trial Lesson!

Working with Children Check
Verified Tutor Verified Tutor

What do I enjoy most about tutoring? 😁

I love the way that through the process of teaching you are able to empower and bring confidence into a child. It is the process of the child gaining knowledge that truly excites me as they seem to gain happiness as well as the urge to study more.

My Strengths as Tutor 💪

As a tutor, I believe my empathy and sympathy allows me to form a connection with my students as they do not feel shy to tell my the points they struggle with. This asset as well as my patience allows efficiency when tutoring.

Most important things I can do for a student 🏅

A tutor is responsible for easing a child's worry and to make sure that they can do whatever possible to help their student become less anxious and more confident in their work.

We will contact you to organize the first Trial Lesson!

Working with Children Check
Verified Tutor Verified Tutor

Subjects Tutored 🎓

Exam Prep 📝

  • Naplan tutoring

Tutoring students in 👦 👧

  • year 1
  • year 2
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  • year 7
  • year 8
  • year 9
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  • year 11