Due to the current situation we are experiencing significant demand for tutoring. Fast track your enrolment online: Enrol Online Now

Private maths tutors that come to you in person or online

Slavka, Maths tutor in Willoughby, NSW

We will contact you to organize the first Trial Lesson!

Working with Children Check
Verified Tutor Verified Tutor

What do I enjoy most about tutoring? 😁

What I enjoy most is the opportunity to help someone comprehend something they are struggling with and show them how it can be grasped. I love seeing that a student has progressed and gained knowledge as well as confidence in their academic abilities.

My Strengths as Tutor 💪

As a tutor, I make sure I present the curriculum to my students in a clear manner, consistent with their age and ability to understand the concepts being taught. I have a cheerful, friendly personality. I am patient, emphatic and flexible, always adapting the sessions to the needs of my students.

Most important things I can do for a student 🏅

A tutor can not only help a student learn specific concepts related to the curriculum, he or she can influence their learning path and help them improve their overall academic performance.

We will contact you to organize the first Trial Lesson!

Working with Children Check
Verified Tutor Verified Tutor

Subjects Tutored 🎓

Exam Prep 📝

  • Naplan tutoring

Tutoring students in 👦 👧

  • year 1
  • year 2
  • year 3
  • year 4
  • year 5
  • year 6