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Private maths tutors that come to you in person or online

Darragh, Maths tutor in Wishart, QLD

We will contact you to organize the first Trial Lesson!

Working with Children Check
Verified Tutor Verified Tutor

What do I enjoy most about tutoring? 😁

I most enjoy helping people to learn and understand something that they may have previously struggled with before. This is especially true when I see the topic finally click with them and watch them breeze through material that they would have previously been stuck on.

My Strengths as Tutor 💪

My biggest strength is my ability to reword/re-explain topics in different ways. This gives people who may not of understood a certain explanation, a new view of the subject that may be better suited to them. I am also determined to see people succeed and will do everything I can to make sure that they achieve the goals they want for themselves.

Most important things I can do for a student 🏅

The most important thing is to believe that no matter the student's skill when they start off, they will eventually be able to understand the topic. It is also important to support the student everywhere along the learning journey to make sure that they maintain the dedication to complete the task at hand.

We will contact you to organize the first Trial Lesson!

Working with Children Check
Verified Tutor Verified Tutor

Subjects Tutored 🎓

Exam Prep 📝

  • Naplan tutoring
  • QCE tutoring

Tutoring students in 👦 👧

  • year 7
  • year 8
  • year 9
  • year 10
  • year 11
  • year 12